As 11 Leis da Física de TI

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Durante um discurso no congresso americano, Norm V. Brown, Diretor Executivo do “Center for Program Transformation“, um centro de reflexão sobre falhas em TI, apresentou o seu “Laws of IT Physics”

Essas leis ajudam a entender porque alguns projetos obtêm sucesso e outros falham. Eles reconhecem que a prioridade em projetos bem-sucedidos de TI é adaministração de pessoas, processos e entregas. Sim tecnologia é importante mas pessoas vem primeiro. Portanto These “Laws” highlight hidden pitfalls the hurt many projects, and help explain why some projects succeed while others fail. They recognize that successful IT project delivery is primarily about managing people, process, and deliverables. Yes, technology is important, but the people side comes first. Here’s the list, with slight editing:

  1. Planning is a continuous process, not a one-time event.
  2. Complexity kills IT projects since defects and security vulnerabilities increase non-linearly with increased complexity.
  3. Schedules and project chaos create event horizons, from which a project cannot recover.
  4. The initial requirements for any large system will be incomplete, independent of the resources expended to develop them.
  5. Unvalidated requirements pave the road to project failure.
  6. You can’t manage what you can’t see, track project status.
  7. Not controlling the right things assures failure.
  8. Poor defect management causes high rework and leads to project failure.
  9. Unknown and untreated vulnerabilities originating in ineffectually implemented processes destroy IT projects.
  10. Development contractors will do what is in their financial interest, and government organizations may be led toward a project event horizon.
  11. Thoughtful, knowledgeable, committed people operating as a team are critical to IT project success.

Para nós, isso é mais uma confirmação de que processos Agiles e em particular Scrum estão no caminho correto. Cliquem aqui para ver a matéria completa >

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