Sobre o novo mercado: MP3, open source,…

Definitivamente, a tecnologia mudou o jeito de se fazer negócios.
Vou reproduzir integralmente aqui uma passagem do artigo do Cezar Taurion por apresentar, de maneira muito clara, uma visão de mercado que compartilho:

” Tem um comentário muito interessante de um ex-diretor de pesquisas da IBM, James McGroddy, que tirei de um livro, excelente por sinal, que estou lendo, de Henry Chesbrough, chamado “Open Innovation: the New Imperative for Creating and Profiting from Technology”, que disse “When you’re targeting your technology to your current business, it’s like a chess game. You know the pieces, you know what they can and cannot do. You know what your competition is going to do, and you know what your customer needs from you in order to win the game. You can think out many moves in advance, and in fact, you have to, if you’re going to win. In a new market, you have to plan your technology entirely differently. You’re not playing chess anymore; now you’re playing poker. You don’t know all the information in advance. Instead, you have to decide whether to spend additional money to stay in the game to see the next card”. ”

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